Become a Marine Conservation Volunteer with Poseidon Dive Center and Marine Life Conservation Project

A word in advance.
If we don’t start now our Actions will dictate our future, because each one of us can make a difference!
Together we can make a change!
Our aim is to survey our sharks, cleanup the reefs from plastic pollution, abandoned fishing nets and cages as well as setting permanent Anchor ropes for boats so they don’t have to throw their own onboard Anchor and destroy Corals.
What can our Marine Conservation volunteer abroad expect during their internship?
- Receive your International CMAS Open Water Scuba Diving License
- Collect Data for scientific research
- Work with sharks
- Do marine conservation work
- Work with marine biologists from the local community
- Want to do your Marine Biology Bachelor Master or Doctor Thesis? We will provide you with the right tools!
Our Ocean conservation projects are a way for you to save our oceans and give our future generations a sustainable way of living, learning about and enjoying this fragile underwater environment.
We’re here to help! You can always write us an E-Mail or reach us by WhatsApp +66980719035
More information on our specially designed homepage
Another way to Help us is with your donation or buy one of our merchandise items. All income from the Items sold goes to our Marine Life Conservation Projects.