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Binance coin

Donate Bitcoin to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Bitcoin
Bitcoin(BTC) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Bitcoin

Donate Ethereum to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Ethereum
Ethereum(ETH) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Ethereum (ERC20)

Donate Tether to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Tether
Tether(USDT) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Ethereum (ERC20)

Donate Cardano to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Cardano
Cardano(ADA) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

Donate Polkadot to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Polkadot
Polkadot(DOT) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Polkadot(DOT)

Donate Binance coin to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Binance coin
Binance Coin(BNB) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

Donate Chainlink to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Chainlink
Chainlink(Link) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Ethereum (ERC20)

Donate Dogecoin to this address
Scan the QR code or copy the address below into your wallet to send some Dogecoin
Dogecoin(DOGE) Wallet Address | Ensure the network is Dogecoin (DOGE)
Donate Via Wallets
Select a wallet to accept donation in ETH BNB BUSD etc..
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