Earth Overshoot Day 2021 Beach Clean Up Daniel Sasse

Earth Overshoot day 2021

Earth overshoot day 2021 marks the day what resources earth can regenerate. In other words, humans are using nature 1.75 times faster than Earth’s ecosystems can regenerate.

This means that in just seven months, humans depleted the amount of clean water, healthy soil, clean air and other resources that the planet generated in 2021, meaning that all of the energy we consume from now until December 31st will be on a borrowed level from the year 2022 which is no longer sustainable in the long term.

The extra waste we now produce cannot be absorbed and will cause harm and we are using too many other natural resources – like eating fish, plant-based food and meat – too quickly. #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day

Our Beach Clean up at Ao Nang Beach Krabi Thailand for Earth Overshoot Day 2021

Earth Overshoot Day 2021 Beach Clean Up Daniel Sasse
Earth Overshoot Day 2021 Beach Clean Up Daniel Sasse

There are ways for us to MoveTheDate

You can help to move that date backwards, How you ask? Here are a few Tips!

DONATE to the Movement

  1. Buy fish once a week (not 5 times).
  2. Eat fish from sustainable resources know where and how it has been caught!
    You can see here which fish is sustainable to eat!
  3. Lower your own standards and carbon footprint.
  4. Turn off the water while soaping under the shower.
  5. Turn off lights which are not needed.
  6. Leave your car at home and take a walk or a bicycle.
  7. Don’t go to the Gym by car and then sit on the bike.
  8. Do not throw your rubbish over board or on the side of the street eventually it’ll end in our Oceans.
  9. If you have to use Plastic, use reusable Plastic containers
  10. Bring your own Bag to the Market
  11. Recycle
  12. Cut energy use at home
  13. Minimize waste
  14. Grow your own fruit, veg and herbs
  15. Install energy efficient appliances at home
  16. Compost
  17. Car pool and use public transport
  18. Go plastic free
  19. Go Zero Waste. You can find our Article about it here!
  20. Buy from charity shops
  21. Cut down on meat consumption
  22. Eat a more plant based diet

Earth overshoot day 2021 falls on July 29th. From now on we live of the resources which we usually would need for next year!

What Poseidon Dive Center does to help Move the Date for Earth Overshoot Day 2021

  1. Educating our divers, students and guests!
  2. We sell our Best of underwater pictures; from the income of the merchandise sold we’ll build & protect artificial & natural reefs! Have a look and please support us by your Donation to PayPal:
  3. Artificial reefs are great because they not only protect the fish from fisher nets they also reproduce quicker as well. Corals can hook onto the artificial reef quiet easily.
  4. Rescued and injured Fish and Turtle release.
  5. Replanting of knocked over Corals by anchor or humans stand on them.
  6. Coral Propagation project.
  7. Setting permanent anchor buoys so Boats not have to throw their anchor anymore.
  8. Debris Dives
  9. Underwater cleanup Dives
  10. Beach cleanups
  11. Fighting for proper Fishing laws in the Marine National Park.
  12. We started a new non-profit Organization Marine Life Conservation Project
Surface Cleanup Rubbish

We have more information for you on our Marine Life Conservation Projects Page

You’d like to support us in our marine protection projects, but don’t have much time?

Rescue the Ocean with your Purchase!

All income goes towards our Marine Life Conservation Projects!

Have a look at our merchandise!

Interested in joining us as a Marine Life Conservation Volunteer?
Check it out here

Another way to help us is with your donation or buy one of our merchandise items. All income from the Items sold goes to our Marine Life Conservation Projects.

You can now Donate in Bitcoin to support our Marine Life Conservation Projects

Are you interested in Scuba Diving? Come Join us at Poseidon Dive Center and do a Dive Course or Join us for a FunDive as a certified Diver.

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