Our ocean cleanup team find some pretty shocking things! 
Roads to Rescue the Ocean. Our Marine Conservation Work
A Video of our Marine Conservation work from our Ocean Cleanup Team has been featured on the Facebook Group Lovimals. We are proud to have come so far to get recognized a little more. However the underwater work is hard, tedious, and tiring and we need all the Help we can get! It doesn’t matter if that’s by sharing our content, joining our Ocean cleanup team as an Ocean conservation Volunteer or by Donation!
The most shocking things we find underwater are huge abandoned fishing nets, Car Batteries, oil canisters, plastic rubbish and illegally set fishing cages.
Many people are more interested in Dogs and Cats as in our important Ocean and I can understand why!
You can see Cats & Dogs they are cuddly, affectionate, and they “love” us, but the problem is that they do not contribute to our food, regulate the weather or producing a big chunk of your oxygen you’re breathing, like the Oceans do!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I love animals more than I love humans!
We humans need healthy oceans to survive! No blue no green no life!
There are so many species which are important for healthy oceans which are already endangered or on the brink of extinction. You can’t see them and that makes it so much harder to believe they are in big trouble, but that’s the big problem they are underwater, not affectionate and mostly not cuddly, but if they don’t survive you will not survive! Humans will not survive! They need our Help to help ourselves.
To those key species are counting sharks, turtles dolphins whales and all the way down to the Phytoplankton which produces your oxygen you need to breath and survive.
A lot of people think that Covid-19 made the Oceans better but unfortunately it’s the opposite. Due to no or very few Fishery checks, fishermen have won a free hand.
Here are a couple of Numbers
25% of all the world’s fish stocks are either over-exploited or depleted. Another 52% is fully exploited, these are in imminent danger of over-exploitation (maximum sustainable production level) and collapse. This means a total of almost 80% of the world’s fisheries are fully- or over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse.

Worldwide about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish are already gone.
We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems, as a result the overall ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.
Despite all the issues we have in our Oceans with Plastic, rubbish accidification and over-fishing which our Ocean cleanup Team tackles.
I still believe we can Rescue and save our precious Oceans! But we need all the Help we can get! It doesn’t matter if that’s by sharing our content, joining us as an Ocean conservation Volunteer or by Donation!
We need
- More Ocean cleanup Teams like ourselves.
- More People who become aware of the situation.
- More people care about our future food and oxygen source.
So whats the solution to this? What can you do from home to help Marine Conservation Projects? Here are some tips.
- Buy fish once a week (not 5 times).
- Eat fish from sustainable resources know where and how it has been caught! https://www.mcsuk.org/goodfishguide/search
- Lower your own standards and carbon footprint.
- Turn off the water while soaping under the shower.
- Turn off lights which are not needed.
- Leave your car at home and take a walk or a bicycle.
- Don’t go to the Gym by car and then sit on the pushbike.
- Do not throw your rubbish over board or on the side of the street eventually it’ll end in our Oceans.
- If you have to use Plastic, use reusable Plastic containers
- Bring your own jute Bag to the Market
- Don’t eat sharkfin soup
- Watch our recommended Documentaries listed on our Homepage link below.
- Support us by your Donation to PayPal:
marinelife-protection@poseidon-krabi.com - Join us as a Volunteer and our Marine Conservation Projects in Ao Nang Krabi.
What Marine Conservation Projects and our Ocean cleanup Team do:
- Educating our divers, students and guests!
- We sell our Best of underwater pictures and merchandise; All income goes towards our Marine Conservation Projects and our Ocean cleanup team! Have a look at http://dani-sasse.de/shop and please support us by your Donation to PayPal: marinelife-protection@poseidon-krabi.com
- Artificial reefs are great because they not only protect the fish from fisher nets they also reproduce quicker as well. Corals can hook onto the artificial reef quiet easily.
- Rescued and injured Fish and Turtle rehabilitation & release.
- Replanting of knocked over Corals by anchor or humans stand on them.
- Coral Propagation project.
- Setting permanent anchor buoys so Boats not have to throw their anchor anymore.
- Debris Dives
- Underwater cleanup Dives
- Beach cleanups
- Fighting for proper Fishing laws in the Marine National Park.

Interested to join us as a Marine Life Conservation Volunteer?
Check it out here
Another way to help us is with your donation or buy one of our merchandise items. All income from the Items sold goes to our Marine Life Conservation Projects.
Are you interested in Scuba Diving? Come Join us at Poseidon Dive Center and do a Dive Course or Join us for a FunDive as a certified Diver.